Who we are
Our history
A world where coffee communities
are confident and thriving.
To empower coffee communities
to challenge limiting beliefs.
To bring voices from coffee communities
to the world.
Our values
Through compassion, we learn from farmers every day. We don’t pretend to have all the answers.
We’re accountable to each other and our donors. We understand our role as ambassadors in the field.
We apply a business mindset. Creativity and problem-solving are what drives us.
Every farmer and household is different. We constantly apply what we’ve learnt in new situations.
We work at the intersection of business and development, using this perspective to empower communities.
Meet our team
We are Kahawatu Foundation. Coffee lovers, specialists, agronomists, gender experts, activists, and organizers alike. We imagine, we make, we gather, we co-create. We are a group of dedicated individuals trying to make a difference.
Meet our board
An independent board oversees the work of Kahawatu Foundation. They ensure that all donated funds are protected and used efficiently.
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Find the answers to our most commonly asked questions below.
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A theory of change shows how and why an intervention causes change in a certain context. It maps how our project activities lead to our desired impacts. View diagram to see how Kahawatu Foundation’s activities lead to the impact to which we aspire in our mission statement.
In rural communities in some East African countries, women have difficulties accessing land and credit. By forming associations, women become more empowered and can access collective or individual funding more easily. Read more about an example project in Burundi and what this type of association brought to a large group of women.
In the absence of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), it can be difficult for coffee farmers to access the finance they need to manage the day- to-day running of their farm and household. Sometimes, coffee farmers have to sell their immature coffee at a low price, generally resulting in a loss.
Establishing VSLAs – along with the introduction of non-coffee activities, such as bee farming, poultry rearing, and other small livestock farming – means farmers become better placed to support their families without selling their immature coffee. Read more about this here.
Our design approach is based on human-centered design. It enables us to put the coffee communities at the center of our work, making sure that their needs are central to the project scope and approach. As we demonstrate in our Theory of Change, we always conduct a community needs assessment before kickstarting the design process. The communities remain part of the design process as well. View diagram to see a visual explanation of the above.
Each country team has a monitoring and evaluation coordinator. Their role is to establish and implement systems to promote evidence-based decision-making, program and project performance, and internal management. The information and quantitative and qualitative data that is collected by these team members informs the impact we’re creating on the ground and enables us to track and report on developments.
Kahawatu Foundation has supported over 800,000 coffee community members in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Through projects, we have helped initiated 50 women’s groups, set up 1,538 income-generating activities, established 1,266 Village Savings and Loans Associations, and trained at least 100,000 farmers in GAP.
Kahawatu Foundation has a Financial Controller who monitors the distribution of funds overall and per origin. Regular project updates are provided to evaluate and measure progress.
Currently, Kahawatu Foundation is active in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. We are, however, open to expanding our scope.